
How to save money through January!

Friday, 2 January 2015

Happy New Year Everyone!

I am kicking off my new year with one simple resolution, and that is this year I’m not making one!
I always make them and then I always break them, so this year is all about me and just taking it as it comes one step at a time.
(And if I take at least one of those steps towards a gym that my friends is a small victory.)

My Christmas and New Year was filled with friends and family and it was lovely, but it has made my purse considerably lighter!

Here are some of my tactics to surviving the January pinch.

No More takeaways!

I’m not going to sit here and pretend I’m not a foodie, I love food and I also love the odd night in with a nice takeaway!
But all of those takeaways add up over the month and you end up with less money and the scales will be tipping the wrong way.
So take it as an opportunity to get healthy get a bit fitter

Charity shops

You can find some great finds in charity shops now days, Christmas Eve I went to Oxfam books to pick up some last minute presents that weren’t going to cost me a bomb.
Now I know what you’re thinking "go to a bookshop get a brand new one" but the books I picked up were practically brand new! Instead of spending over £10 on one book I got 3 plus 3 Movies for £10.

Check list

  1. Start with your bank balance write down the amount
  2. Write down you outgoings and money going into savings
  3. Write down how much you have left after that all goes out 
  4. And then divide that by how many weeks you have till pay day
  5. Write down all your minuses and pluses by week as you go alon
  6. You can then budget your way through January easily

Money pots

These things are amazing!
Now you are supposed to fill them all the way up with your pennies and pounds but if you are aiming for a specific date then you can always break them open early.
Now they are costly depending on which ones you get, but you save so much more than you do with a money box you can easily get into.


Now these are just a few tips that have worked for me but at the end of the day it all down to self-control and just stopping and thinking "do I need this?"
If you absolutely need something why not walk away and look online for the cheaper option?
Small things like this go a long way 

I hope you had an amazing New Year and what are you New Year resolutions?

Thanks for reading 


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