
Diy oak table paint job

Monday, 29 December 2014

Having had a day off today I fancied a bit of a clear out.

Now living in a flat with minimal storage space can be a bit tricky when it comes to clutter, so a good clear out is essential now and then.

Sadly my storage problem means there is zero chance of becoming a hoarder which I admit I could probably become an A class hoarder given the chance!

Any who enough rambling! In my clear out I found an half empty can of tester paint that I had used on my coffee table a couple of months ago.

Now this paint needs a good primer and top coat to stay in top condition I however did not do this and unfortunately will have to sand down and redo the table again.

 (Don’t take shortcuts! Otherwise you will have a number of cup/plate stains all over your table)

Staring at the can for a good ten minutes I contemplated repainting the top of the coffee table before fighting off that urge and deciding to use it on something that will not get much wear and tear.

Having seen something similar on pinterest, I decided to just paint the legs of my table and leave the top unpainted.

Taking a break from my clear out I laid down a nice layer of magazine in the kitchen, and put on my crummy sweats I keep for painting and lazy days and got a paintin!

The before's 

 Now I just did one coat as I didn't have enough to do a second, but I’m going to leave it for a week or so and if I feel I need to redo it I will.

However I like the finish I got from one coat it isn't to sheer.
The after's         

As I haven't sourced any dining room chairs yet it is going to be my little desk for now.

For spur of the moment DIY job I don't think it worked out to bad.

                               what do you think?

Have you done any DIY lately? leave me a comment I would love to have a


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